Ready for Black Friday?
Black Friday is the first Friday after Thanksgiving and typically marks the busiest day of the year for online shopping. This year Black Friday will fall on 28th November. Originally a US phenomenon, it is increasingly gaining popularity in the UK as well. Many eCommerce retailers will be tapping into this surge of extra website visitors by offering one-day only promotions and […]
Post-launch Love
Don’t neglect your website after it has gone live! Ongoing maintenance and support contracts can be tailored to your individual needs and will ensure that you and your site get ongoing ‘love’ and support. Website traffic monitoring, search engine and converstion rate optimisation (SEO & CRO), essential upgrades to allow for hardware and software releases and the additional of […]
Content Marketing & Blogging
Become the online authority for your industry. The more fresh, engaging and authoritative content on your website the better regarded it will be by search engines. We can help you by planning out your content marketing strategy, then mining out the gems of knowledge from your brain and turning these into the well written, keyword […]
Target Audience: SEO – Back to Basics
The first thing that has to be considered, when planning your website content, is target audience. You have to think about who will want to visit your site, what they want to see, and why they want to visit. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking “My target audience is everyone.” When you […]
Cut Out The Keyword Guesswork (FREE Tool)
Looking to Search Engine optimise your site? Not sure what Keywords to use? If you’ve already got a Google account (if not, why not) and are honing in on your Keywords, the Keywords Tool is right up your search street. Despite being an obvious ‘in road’ to Google’s AdWords; where you spend money per-click […]
Simple search engine tips for small businesses
Step into SEO We often hear from our small business clients that they are a bit scared of search engine optimisation (SEO). They hear us talk about ‘back-link profiles’ and ‘meta data’ and decide it all sounds far too technical for any normal person to understand. Now don’t get us wrong, back-link profiles and meta […]