We often get interesting and unusual bits and bobs brought in to the studio, to photograph or investigate as we write copy for websites.
Yesterday was was no exception when Matt Miller, local solar expert and owner of ICL electrical www.inside-centre.co.uk came in to see us with several component pieces for a PV (photovoltaic or Solar Panel) installation. Interesting looking green box, huh?
Lingo are creating an infographic to illustrate a typical solar panel installation, so the scale and size of the ‘bits’ are important. In the pictures, you can see we got ‘up close and personal’ with the bright green, but surprisingly attractive nedap power inverter, which is the main piece of kit in the process.
ICL Electrical are the latest of Lingo’s customers to join Facebook, and the infographic will be added to a custom page for fans to see, in detail, how ICL install the solar kit, and now, we can be certain it will be to scale!