Time and Tide

…as the old saying goes of course, they wait for no man. And as all things change, so design is ever-evolving, and graphic design trends within print and websites are no different.

So as the time comes to reflect back and look forward to another exciting year of studio design and associated shenanigans, we’ve got our finger on the pulse for new styles emerging and those old favourites being recycled or updated and refreshed, and certain styles such as minimalism making a coming back…as design is often cyclical too.

Talking of cycles, one design prediction we’re already running with (if you excuse the pun) is that the Olympic legacy will continue to influence not only budding sportspeople (like our very own studio Pendleton) but also the industries that surround sport – such as clothing, music, and lifestyle products. The geometric shapes and bold colours that accompanied our year of sport will likely continue to echo in our country’s culture for some time yet to come, so expect to see that online and all around us.

The team here at Lingo are excited about helping your business keep up to date with the latest graphic design trends and digital marketing action as this fast paced year gets underway. If you want to know the low-down first… why not sign up to our FREE studio e-newsletter, full of tips and tricks to keep you getting hits (oooh, that rhymed) via our contact page.


Recent News

Bright Ideas, Amazing Website

A new website for Exeter based Business & IP Centre, with a strong focus on dynamic content and web accessibility.

The restaurant that Jack built

A delicious website for a new eatery. We were so happy when we heard that start-up Jack’s Restaurant was opening its doors in Stowbridge.

You Say Tomato….

It was all about the tomatoes for this Worcestershire website.

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