Cut Out The Keyword Guesswork (FREE Tool)

Looking to Search Engine optimise your site? Not sure what Keywords to use? If you’ve already got a Google account (if not, why not) and are honing in on your Keywords, the Keywords Tool is right up your search street.

Despite being an obvious ‘in road’ to Google’s AdWords; where youGoogle adwords screenshot spend money per-click getting yourself listed in the ‘sponsored results’ in Google searches (also known as ‘Pay Per Click’ or ‘PPC’) the tool is a great way to get accurate information about the search terms you should target, based on your existing website content.

Simply enter your web address and choose from a list of suggested terms, each shown with how many people use this term monthly and how competitive it is in Google.

Then you can download your chosen terms in a .CSV and either enter them into your website (if you have that level of admin) or pass them on to your web team (hopefully us) to advise you on, and potentially include in your site.

This tool will be an old favourite for many, (it’s been ‘about’ for a while) but if you’re new to the SEO game, it’s a real gem.

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