Moroccan-Inspired Branding for The Ficarra’s Spa

The Ficarra’s Spa were not lacking in inspiration for their new logo; the opposite was true.

Discovering the delightful, dedicated, purpose designed and built spa, tucked away down a private drive in Fakenham, Norfolk, you realise that you have just found something very special; a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world.

The carefully decorated interior, Moroccan-inspired treatment rooms and of course, the sumptuous spa, swimming pool and sauna are all visually beautiful, treats for the eyes as much as the body. Then the range of treatments offered, along with beauty products from top-quality suppliers, all make for beautiful and bountiful design influences.

Breaking out of the old identity and into a new brand was going to require taking careful steps, as the new logo brief also included design of new labels for a unique range of Ficarra’s Spa beauty products from Morocco.

After initial consultations and photography, Designer Liz created 3 draft concepts, all drawing on the inspiration of the spa, one of which was favoured by owner Janet and spa manager Ellice, who stayed close to the project at all times. This concept was then developed into a full re-brand, including stunning supporting typefaces, colour palette and the design of the new product labels.

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